The equivalent circuit of a longitudinal slot in the broad wall of a rectangular SIW, single-ridge waveguide, or ridge gap waveguide consists of a T-network. The series impedances and shunt admittance of this network depend on the slot offset, slot length, and frequency. This model is rigorous and therefore valid and accurate over a very wide bandwidth. The model extraction is performed using a full-wave analysis to account for various details such as dielectric filling of the waveguide, waveguide wall thickness, rounded edges of the slot, and the presence of a radome.

Slot Model module main features are:
- Rectangular waveguide, SIW, single-ridge waveguide, and ridge gap waveguide technologies supported
- Rigorous wide-band model of the single radiating slot (Full-Wave)
- Customizable waveguide dimensions
- Dielectric filling of the waveguide
- Single-ridge waveguide technology supported
- Presence of a radome (multilayer dielectric sheets over the slot)
- Rounded edges of the slot