The analysis of slotted waveguide arrays is performed using a rigorous wide-band equivalent circuit representation of the entire antenna. The array can be simulated across a range of frequencies and various scanning angles, incorporating mutual coupling effects and their dependence on both frequency and scanning angle. The feeding network and input transition are also considered through their scattering matrices.

Analysis module main features are:
- Rectangular waveguide, SIW, single-ridge waveguide, and ridge gap waveguide technologies supported
- Resonant and traveling-wave slotted waveguide arrays analysis is possible
- Internal and external mutual coupling effects rigorously taken into account
- Compensation of higher-order mode coupling between inclined coupling slots and radiating slots
- Dielectric and metal losses considered
- Wedge diffraction effects on mutual coupling and radiation pattern are accounted
- Flared/baffled slotted waveguide array design and analysis is possible
- The assumption of periodic boundary conditions is possible (the array is modelled as an infinite periodic structure)
- Input transition taken into account through its scattering matrix (S2P or S3P File)
- Feeding network taken into account through its scattering matrix
- Digital phase shifters can be considered when simulating beam scanning
- Mechanical tolerance and thermal expansion effects can be analysed
- Radiation pattern for different frequency points: 2D, Elevation, Azimuth
- Reflection coefficients: Magnitude, VSWR, Smith Chart, Antenna efficiency
- Slot voltage distribution (amplitude and phase)
- Three different types of analysis are available: Frequency, Beam Steering, Monte Carlo